Seasonal Wisdom Sessions
Mentoring in tune with the Seasons…
Because time is cyclical and as the seasons change so do we.
Each seasonal session (or series of sessions) is available for a limited time each year.
Sign up to my newsletter to be the first to know when I’ve opened up spaces for bookings.
In our mentoring session(s) together we will allow the energy and wisdom of the current season to guide our exploration. These meetings are designed to spark your inner knowing, connecting you back to yourself and the world around you, so that you can feel supported and nourished as you move forward on your journey.
ROOT: Autumn
Available September 22 to December 21.
Roots. Finding our footing and our foundations. In autumn the energy is moving downward and it is a time for releasing those things we don’t need to carry with us into the next year. We start the journey inward and come home to our core.
SEED: Winter
Available December 22 to March 19.
Seed. Inner work and quiet being. The time of rest and inner exploration. We learn how to pause and decide what to plant and cultivate in the year ahead. We get in touch with the earth, find our grounding, and create strong foundations.
SPROUT: Spring
Available March 20 to June 20.
Sprout. Rising up out of the darkness, filled with the excitement of new beginnings. We nourish ourselves to grow vibrant. We explore and strengthen our boundaries so we can stay true to ourselves.
Available June 21 to August 1.
Blossom. Opening and shining outward. How do we want to show up in the world? What is calling us to be created? We reach out to where this unfolding brings resistance and discover how we can move through it to experience our joy.
FRUIT: Late Summer
Available August 2 to September 20.
Fruit. Harvest time. A celebration of abundance. Gratitude for what has emerged. We learn to receive as well as to give.
Each Seasonal Mentoring Package includes:
These will help you get clear on what you want to focus on in our time together and let me get to know you a bit.
This will guide you in setting an intention for our time together
This is where we'll chat on Zoom or Skype and I will get to know you and the places you’d like to explore more deeply. We will go through the intro questions in more detail, and talk about what's going on in your life now, your health, your passions, and anything else you are drawn to share. Often during these conversations we'll find patterns and connections that give insights which lead to initiating the changes you want to make.
These will be e-mailed to you based on what came up in the call. This is where you get to go exploring! Each guide is unique but could include suggestions for lifestyle changes, herbal teas, flower essences, journaling, plants or stones to work with, or other creative practices. From this list you'll pick a few recommendations you want to explore for the coming weeks. (You'll need to purchase all supplies yourself as teas, essences, etc are not included).
These will support you on your journey and are a place you can ask any questions that may be coming up.
We’ll schedule this 3-4 weeks after the first call to go over your journey and answer any further questions you may have.
Additional mentoring can be purchased after completion of the first session in groups of three or six 1 hour sessions.
£147 Explorers call
£666 3 months coaching package w/ energy work
£444 explorers session plus 3 energy work sessions
No, you can bring any topic and we will explore it through the lense of the season we are currently in.
If you are in the UK then when you book I will send you my bank details to pay by bank transfer. If you live in other parts of the world then I will invoice you through square and you can pay by credit or debit card.
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